Spiritual Wellness and Natural Healing Products | Heritage Apothecary
Heritage Apothecary
Unakite, a harmonious blend of pink feldspar, green epidote, and quartz, serves as a catalyst for emotional healing and spiritual growth, resonating with the heart and third eye chakras. Its gentle energy gently dissolves blockages and releases past traumas, promoting inner peace, balance, and self-love. Unakite encourages self-discovery and personal transformation, guiding one towards embracing new beginnings and manifesting positive change in their lives. Additionally, this nurturing stone enhances intuitive abilities and strengthens the connection to higher realms, facilitating a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.
What’s Included:
one unakite stone
length- 1-2”
width- 1-1.5”
*each stone is crafted by nature so crystal formation, shape and appearance may vary. Please allow a few Cm +|- for size dimensions mentioned above