Spiritual Wellness and Natural Healing Products | Heritage Apothecary

Smudging is an ancient practice revered across various cultures worldwide, each adding a unique touch to this sacred ritual. Historically, it has been a vital part of spiritual and healing rituals, employed by indigenous peoples of North America, like the Lakota and Chumash, to cleanse spaces, objects, and individuals of negative energy. For instance, the Lakota use smudging in prayer and purification before significant events, believing that the smoke carries their prayers directly to the Creator, thus aligning the physical and spiritual realms. Similarly, the Chumash have used white sage to promote healing and peace within their communities.

Beyond North America, the practice finds resonance in Eastern traditions as well, where herbs and incense cleanse environments and elevate spirits. For example, in Tibetan Buddhism, aromatic herbs are burned to clean the air and welcome higher spirits, helping to dispel the influences of negative energies. By acknowledging these diverse traditions and specific practices, we honor the rich historical and cultural tapestry that has preserved these rituals through the centuries. This blog will explore how to craft your own smudge sticks, integrating the profound benefits of this timeless practice into our modern lives, while maintaining reverence and authenticity in its application.

A Personal Connection to Smudging

My journey with smudging began during a period of significant change and uncertainty in my life. I was seeking something to bring peace to my turbulent thoughts and clear the stagnant energy that seemed to cling to my home and spirit. Reflecting on the traditions of smudging I learned about from my mom, and her from various cultures, I decided to craft my own smudge stick.

I still remember that quiet, sunny afternoon when I crafted my first smudge stick. I chose blue sage for its calming properties and lavender for its soothing effects, hoping to create a tool that would not only cleanse but also bring tranquility to my living space. As I carefully wrapped the bundle, my intention was clear: to clear out the old, negative energies and welcome healing and calm.

The moment I lit the smudge stick, the gentle smoke spiraled upwards, carrying away the heaviness that had weighed me down. Walking from room to room, I felt the space lighten, as if the smoke was physically lifting the darkness. The subtle floral hints of lavender mixed with the earthy sage filled the air, grounding me and enhancing my connection to the earth and my spirit.

Since that day, smudging has become a regular part of my spiritual practice, especially during times of stress or transition. It has deepened my connection to my spiritual beliefs and helped maintain clarity and peace in my home. Each time I light a smudge stick, I am reminded of that first transformative experience and the continuous journey of growth and cleansing it began.

As my personal connection with smudging deepened, so did my awareness of the importance of sourcing materials responsibly to preserve this tradition for future generations.

Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability in Smudging

As the practice of smudging continues to gain popularity worldwide, it is crucial to address the importance of ethical sourcing and sustainability. These practices ensure that the natural resources used in smudging, such as sage, cedar, and sweetgrass, are protected and preserved for future generations.

Sustainable Practices:


To mitigate the effects of overharvesting, it is essential to employ harvesting methods that allow plants to regenerate. Ethical harvesters typically collect only the top leaves or flowers of a plant, ensuring that the roots remain intact to continue the growth cycle. By doing so, the natural habitat is maintained, supporting the biodiversity that depends on these plants.

Impact of Overharvesting:

Unsustainable harvesting can lead to a decrease in plant populations, which not only affects the availability of these resources but also disrupts local wildlife and ecological balance. This can have long-term detrimental effects on the environment and the cultural practices that rely on these plants.

Making Responsible Choices:

As consumers and practitioners, choosing suppliers who prioritize sustainable practices is vital. Supporting indigenous businesses that follow traditional harvesting methods not only helps preserve the practice within its cultural context but also contributes to the economic stability of these communities.

Raising awareness about the sources of smudging materials and the impacts of their extraction encourages more informed choices among consumers. Educating oneself and others about these issues promotes a broader movement towards sustainable and ethical practices in spiritual routines.

By centralizing our focus on ethical sourcing and sustainability, we align our spiritual practices with our ecological responsibilities, ensuring that smudging remains a respectful and viable tradition. This commitment to conscientious practice not only honors the earth but also respects the cultural foundations of smudging.

Exploring Alternatives:

Consider using less common plants for smudging that are not at risk of overharvesting. Many herbs can be grown in your garden like common sage, providing a personal and sustainable source for smudging materials.

  • Common Sage (Salvia officinalis): Widely used for cleansing and purification, common sage is easy to grow and maintain.
  • Garden Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): Known for its protective qualities and ability to help clear negative energy.
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Used for promoting peace, relaxation, and sleep, as well as purification.
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): Associated with protection, cleansing, and memory enhancement.
  • Mint (Mentha spp.): Useful for healing and protection, mint also invites positive energy.
  • Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis): Traditionally used for purification and spiritual cleansing.
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): Known for its calming effects and used to foster success.
  • Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata): Used for calling in good spirits and positive energy.
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Employed in smudging for courage, love, and psychic opening.
  • Juniper (Juniperus spp.): Has protective properties and is often used to cleanse and make a space sacred.
  • Pine Needles (Pinus spp.): Ideal for cleansing and purification, bringing renewal.
  • Cedar (Cedrus spp.): Revered for its power to cleanse, heal, and protect.
  • Bay Leaves (Laurus nobilis): Known for their ability to promote healing, protection, and psychic powers.
  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum): Used for drawing in love, wealth, and calm.
  • Marjoram (Origanum majorana): Associated with love, happiness, and protection.

These herbs can be used alone or in combination to create personalized smudge sticks that are both effective and meaningful. By growing these herbs yourself, you not only ensure a sustainable supply but also add a personal touch to your smudging practices.

At Heritage Apothecary, our commitment to sustainability and respect for cultural traditions shapes every aspect of our operations. We are proud to source our white sage from a First Nations tribe in Baja California. This partnership not only supports indigenous communities but also ensures that our practices align with the deep spiritual and cultural significance of sage.

In addition to our sourcing practices, we take great care in sustainably foraging our own white sage seeds in the hills of Los Angeles County. Our approach is mindful and measured, focusing on maintaining the health and vitality of the sage populations. We only forage seeds at the optimal time of year and in a way that supports regeneration and prevents overharvesting.

This dual approach ensures that our sage products are not only effective in their cleansing and spiritual properties but also ethically produced, respecting both the earth and its original stewards. Our practices are a testament to our dedication to providing you with products that are both powerful and conscientious. 

By deepening our commitment to ethical sourcing, we not only respect the earth and its resources but also honor the cultural roots of the smudging practice. With a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices, let's explore how you can gather your own materials to craft smudge sticks that are not only effective but also conscientious.

Gathering Your Supplies

Creating smudge sticks is surprisingly simple, and you’ll only need a few basic materials:

  • Fresh sage 
  • Natural twine or 100% cotton string
  • Scissors
  • Optional: other supporting herbs like lavender, rosemary, or cedar

Each herb brings its unique energy and benefits, allowing you to customize your smudge sticks based on the specific energies you wish to attract or repel. Gather your materials and prepare for a peaceful crafting session, creating smudge sticks that not only cleanse but also align closely with your spiritual needs. Once you have ethically sourced your herbs, the next step is to prepare them correctly to ensure your smudge sticks are potent and pure.

Preparing Your Herbs

Trim the stems of your sage and any other herbs you’re using to a uniform length, typically about 6 to 8 inches, which is ideal for a standard smudge stick. You can always make them as short as 3 to 4 inches and still have plenty, if need be. After preparing your herbs, assembling them into a smudge stick is a thoughtful process that intertwines intention with tradition.

How Do You Make a Sage Stick?

Start by laying a few sage branches together to form a base. If you’re incorporating other herbs, layer them with the sage to enhance the aroma and properties of your smudge stick. Carefully hold the bundle together and begin wrapping the base tightly with cotton twine. The key is to secure the bundle at the bottom, then wrap upwards in a spiral pattern, ensuring the herbs are snug but not overly compressed.

The Wrapping Technique

As you wrap, periodically press down gently on the bundle to keep it tight and tidy. When you reach the top, loop the twine back towards the base, crisscrossing if desired for added stability and aesthetic appeal. Once you’re back at the bottom, tie off the twine securely. For extra security, you can tuck the end of the twine under a few wraps. Having crafted your smudge stick with care, the next crucial phase is drying, which ensures its effectiveness during use.

Drying Your Smudge Sticks

Proper drying is crucial for your smudge sticks to burn evenly and effectively. Hang them in a dry, warm place out of direct sunlight. This can take anywhere from one to three weeks depending on the climate and humidity. You’ll know they’re ready when the leaves feel dry to the touch and the bundle is firm. Once your smudge sticks are properly dried, they are ready to be used in cleansing rituals, and here’s how you can do it responsibly.

Using and Storing Your Smudge Sticks

To use your smudge stick, light one end and allow it to flame momentarily before blowing it out to let it smolder. Pass the smoke around areas you wish to cleanse. After use, extinguish your smudge stick thoroughly in sand or ash and store it in a cool, dry place. Proper care will ensure that your smudge stick is ready for your next cleansing ritual. To further enhance your smudging rituals, it's essential to understand and implement deeper practices for using and storing your smudge sticks.

Deepening Your Smoke Cleansing Practice: Usage, Storage, and Rituals

Using smudge sticks extends beyond the simple act of lighting and smoldering; it involves intentional practices that can significantly enhance the cleansing and energizing effects. Here’s how you can deepen your smudging experience and ensure your smudge sticks are used and stored correctly:

Proper Usage:

  1. Setting the Space: Before lighting your smudge stick, prepare the space by opening windows and doors to allow negative energy to escape. This also helps to ventilate the area, ensuring the smoke does not become too overwhelming.

  2. Lighting the Smudge Stick: Hold the smudge stick at a 45-degree angle, light the tip using a match or lighter, and let it burn for about 20 seconds before gently blowing out the flame. This will allow the herbs to smolder and produce smoke.

  3. Cleansing the Area: Slowly walk around the space you wish to cleanse, gently waving the smudge stick to direct the smoke into corners, across doorways, and into shadowed areas where negative energy might linger. As you do this, focus on your intention of clearing out negativity and purifying the space.

  4. Accompanying Rituals or Prayers: While smudging, you can enhance the ritual's effectiveness by reciting prayers, affirmations, or mantras that align with your intentions. For example, you might say, "I cleanse this space of all negativity and fill it with love, peace, and positivity," or use a personalized affirmation that speaks to your specific needs.  You can find more prayers and affirmations here.

Proper Storage:

  1. Extinguishing the Smudge Stick: After smudging, ensure the smudge stick is completely extinguished. You can do this by pressing the burning tip firmly into sand or a ceramic bowl until the smoke no longer rises. Do not use water as it can ruin the tip of the smudge stick and make it difficult to light again.

  2. Storing: Store your smudge stick in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight and humidity to preserve its quality. You can wrap it in a cloth or store it in a box specifically designated for your spiritual tools.

Ongoing Care and Cleansing: Over time, your smudge stick might absorb moisture from the air, making it harder to light. If this happens, gently remove the outer layer of the stick to expose drier herbs, which can help it light more easily. Additionally, periodically replacing your smudge stick after several uses can ensure that your cleansing rituals remain potent and effective. Having explored how to effectively use and store your smudge sticks, you may still have questions about the practice, which we'll address next.

Frequently Asked Questions About Smudging

Smudging is a powerful practice used for cleansing and spiritual purification, but it can also raise various questions, especially for those new to this ritual. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions to help you understand and navigate the complexities of smudging:

  1. What are the safety tips for smudging? Safety is crucial when performing any practice involving smoke and fire. Always use a heat-resistant container to catch ashes. Ensure the area is well-ventilated to avoid smoke inhalation. Never leave a burning smudge stick unattended, and make sure it is completely extinguished after use.

  2. What are the differences between types of sage? There are several types of sage used in smudging, each with unique properties:

    • White Sage: The most common and highly prized for its strong aromatic properties and effectiveness in energy cleansing.
    • Blue Sage: Also known as Grandmother Sage, this variety has a lighter, more soothing aroma, suitable for meditation and healing.
    • Desert Sage: Often used for purifying and protection, it has a warm, earthy scent. Each type of sage can be used for general smudging purposes, but you might choose based on the specific energy or aroma you prefer.
  3. How can I ensure my smudging materials are ethically sourced? Ethical sourcing is important to preserve natural resources and respect indigenous cultures:

    • Educate yourself about the origins of the materials you use and the impact of their harvesting on the environment and native communities.
  4. Can I smudge if I'm sensitive to smoke? If you are sensitive to smoke but still wish to practice smudging, consider alternatives like:

    • Smudge sprays: Made from essential oils and infused water, these sprays can be used as a smokeless option that still carries the energetic properties of smudging.
    • Diffusing essential oils: Oils like sage, cedar, and lavender can also help cleanse a space energetically.
  5. Is smudging appropriate for all spaces? While smudging can be beneficial for many environments, it’s respectful to consider the context and cultural significance:

    • Ask for permission in shared spaces or when visiting others’ homes.
    • Be mindful of cultural appropriation: understanding the origins of smudging and practicing it with respect and intention. As you incorporate smoke cleansing into your personal or spiritual practices, remember to acknowledge the rich history and cultural importance it holds. Engage with communities, seek out authentic resources, and share credit appropriately. This not only enriches your understanding but also fosters a more inclusive and respectful environment.
      • Practicing smoke cleansing with awareness and sensitivity emphasizes the ritual’s significance beyond its physical elements, deepening your connection to both the practice and the cultures from which it originates. Embrace smoke cleansing as a bridge to greater spiritual and cultural understanding, always ensuring that your actions reflect respect and honor for its profound heritage.
  6. What if my smudge stick frequently extinguishes itself?

    • Proper Drying: Ensure your herbs are thoroughly dried before use. Herbs that contain too much moisture are difficult to keep lit. Allow them to dry in a warm, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight until they feel completely dry to the touch.
    • Tightness of the Bundle: Check the tightness of your smudge stick. If the herbs are wrapped too tightly, air can't flow through the bundle, which can prevent it from staying lit. Try wrapping the herbs a bit looser to allow for better airflow.
    • Herb Quality: Use high-quality, ethically sourced herbs. Better quality herbs tend to burn more consistently. Avoid using old or moldy herbs, as these can also have trouble staying lit.
    • Relighting as Needed: It’s not uncommon to need to relight your smudge stick several times during a cleansing session. This can be a normal part of the smudging process, especially if you pause frequently or the smudge stick is quite dense.
    • Ventilation: Perform your smudging in a well-ventilated area. Good airflow assists in keeping the smudge stick lit and also ensures the smoke can disperse effectively, enhancing the cleansing process.

Beyond the practical aspects of smudging, it's crucial to revisit the importance of sustainable sourcing to understand the full cycle of ethical practice.

Your Cleansing Journey

As we conclude our exploration of smudging, from its rich cultural roots to practical applications, we hope you feel inspired to integrate this ancient practice into your spiritual routine. Smudging offers a powerful way to cleanse spaces and elevate spirits, drawing on centuries of tradition to enrich our modern lives.

We encourage you to share your smudging experiences and creations. Don’t forget to leave a comment on our blog; we’re eager to hear about your journey and insights.

Stay connected with us for more insights on creating sacred spaces and enhancing your spiritual practices. Sign up for our newsletter to gain access to exclusive content, special offers, and tips directly in your inbox. Explore our selection of sage products and smudging tools at Heritage Apothecary to find everything you need to deepen your cleansing rituals.

As a token of our appreciation for joining our community, we’re offering a free Sage Energy Cleansing Kit to help you get started on your smudging journey. Claim your kit today at Heritage Apothecary and begin transforming your environment and energy.

Together, let's continue to honor the profound heritage of smudging and carry forward the legacy of this sacred tradition in both respectful and innovative ways. Happy smudging! 

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Beautiful, lovingly crafted product, excellent customer service. Thank you so much!


Gorgeous, intense, intricate, feminine and I can't wait to experience all this kit has to offer. Thank you, your work is beautiful!


Even more gorgeous in person. Arrived promptly in gorgeous, eco friendly packaging. Everything arrived intact. 💛☀️


Jess was amazing at getting in touch with me and making sure the product arrived and in good condition! She is an awesome business owner and I would recommend her shop to anyone for their spiritual needs :) thank you!!
